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In any case, I suspect this is not the last we'll hear of this.
Link to Skype forum thread
Croquet is a combination of computer software and network architecture that supports deep collaboration and resource sharing among large numbers of users within the context of a large-scale distributed information system. Along with its ability to deliver compelling 3D visualization and simulations, the Croquet system's components are designed with a focus on enabling massively multi-user peer-to-peer collaboration and communication.
Still no sign of an RSS feed let alone enclosures for Truthout.org's excellent nightly overview, presented by William Rivers Pitt. So, until I see one, herewith a handrolled podcast-ready feed:We do truthout for three reasons: Far too often, the mainstream television news media act as little more than commercial advertisers for their parent companies. This is not journalism, and we desperately need journalism in this day and age. We also do truthout because the mainstream print media, while retaining great credibility, requires an enormous amount of time to sift through properly. Our editors, who read between 10 and 30 newspapers a day, do that for you.
Finally, the English philosopher John Locke said, "It is one thing to show a man that he is in error, and another to put him in possession of truth." Tonight, tomorrow, and for as long as we are able, truthout will be in the business of putting you in possession of the truth.
Truthout Overview RSS feed (with enclosures)
ipodder.org - basecamp for the podcasting revolution
The monks, known as Kaihigyo, are spiritual athletes from the Tendai Sect of Buddhism, based at Mount Hiei, which overlooks the ancient capital city of Kyoto.
The final two years of the 1000-day challenge are even more daunting. In the sixth year they run 60km each day for 100 consecutive days and in the seventh year they run 84km each day for 100 consecutive days. This is the equivalent of running two Olympic marathons back-to-back every day for 100 days.